Overland Park, Kansas Collaborative Divorce Lawyers Available to Assist
The Advantages of Collaborative Divorce: Why it Can Work
Our clients often find that, by sitting down and resolving issues, they can reduce the cost of divorce as well as the impact on the children involved. Collaborative divorce also gives them more control over critical issues. It is also more private and avoids potentially embarrassing pleadings or motions being in a court file. Further, instead of waiting for a judge’s decisions, they can make those decisions for themselves.
Collaborative divorce only works when the parties are willing to talk. The parties attempt to resolve their situation by sitting across the table with their attorney present with them. At Stange Law Firm, PC, we are dedicated to straightforward representation in collaborative divorce that works to our clients’ advantage.
We also use mediation techniques as well as other alternative dispute resolution methods to resolve matters quickly and effectively for our clients. These practical solutions save families money and reduce the stress that a divorce can bring on a family.
Find Out More About Collaborative Divorce & Courthouse Information
You can read more about collaborative divorce in the article titled: Collaborative Divorce: An Alternative to Adversarial Court Proceedings.
To learn more about the Johnson County Family Court, please visit the following links:
- Johnson County Family Court: Any additional information regarding the Johnson County family court can be found here.
- Johnson County Local Court Rules: Wondering what all of the Johnson County court rules may be? Click here to take a look.
- Johnson County Courthouse Directions: Do you need directions or a map of the Johnson County courthouse? Click on this link provided to help you out!
Schedule An Initial Consultation to Learn More About Collaborative Divorce in Overland Park, Kansas in Johnson County
Are you looking to hire an experienced family law attorney to help you with your collaborative divorce? If so, schedule a confidential appointment with one of our attorneys, contact us online.
Johnson County (Overland Park), KS Office: 913-221-0332 click here for office information 7300 West 110th Street, Suite 56, Overland Park, KS 66612.