At Stange Law Firm, PC, we are committed to helping our clients understand all aspects of family law. By providing numerous articles on our website, we equip our clients with the knowledge they need to make prudent, informed decisions. You can also view our archive for previous articles not listed below.
Need-to-Know Information
Our law firm is dedicated to keeping you up to date with valuable information. The articles below cover a wide variety of topics, and we hope that they provide you with a broad understanding of the family law issues that you are dealing with.
Divorce can be a long and complicated process – and if you are like most people, you probably have lots of questions. These articles address many different areas of divorce, including tips for handling the stresses and problems that may arise during the process.
Causes of Divorce
Study finds divorce contagious
A new study finds divorce contagious in social networks. The idea is based on the theory of social contagion or the spread of behavior or
New Research on what indicators lead to divorce
Believe it or not, divorce is considered to be a major health problem. While doctors can predict the risk for major health issues such as
Divorce Study: Arguing about Money is the Top Predictor of Divorce
Having financial arguments early in a marriage may indeed predict divorce. According to Sonya Britt, a Kansas State University researcher, arguing about money is the
How a costly wedding could lead to divorce
An amazing eight in 10 couples, who divorce within five years, cite high wedding costs as a factor in their divorce. According to a recent
Children and Divorce
How to Teach Your Children the Value of Organization
Want your children to develop important organizational skills in their formative years? You can aid in the development of this skill set through a slew
Children & Divorce: 3 Bonding Activities That Can Help Ease Tension
Many children experience the stress of a divorce. reports that 40 percent of U.S. couples that have children file for divorce. According to the
Childcare Checklist: What to Share with the Babysitter
As a parent, it can be difficult to leave the house on your own, as it requires you to hand over the reins of childcare
Behind the Wheel: 3 Tips on How to Raise Ready, Responsible Teen Drivers
This may be hard to believe, but that itty-bitty baby you once held in your arms is now a teenager who is chomping at the
6 Strategies for Raising Responsible Kids
Raising responsible kids requires a willing parent, a cooperative child, and an unlimited supply of patience and understanding. Through each stage of a child’s development,
5 Tips for Hosting a Fun and Successful Play Date
“Mom, can Jack come over to play?”If you are the mom of a little human over the age of 3 or so, you have probably
5 Things Single Parents Can Do to Boost Home Security
As a single parent, you probably feel like you weigh the entire world on your shoulders at times. Playing the dual roles of mom and
4 Key Skills to Teach Your Kids at an Early Age
When we think of childhood, we often consider it to be a magical and carefree time, free of responsibility. While kids need to have plenty
3 Core Values to Help Your Child Thrive
As a parent, you can pass on everything you’ve learned about life to your child. You are a role model for your child and they
Providing The Guardian Ad Litem Information
In child custody litigation, a guardian ad litem (GAL) is often appointed. The requirements can certainly vary by jurisdiction. However, when there are allegations of
Making the Move: Child Relocation Considerations in Missouri
While determining child custody in marital dissolution cases is often difficult, the question of whether to allow child relocation can be even more painful and
Massachusetts Bill Proposes to Ban Sex during Divorce to Help Protect Children
If you are in a divorce and are living with children in Massachusetts, having sex at home or dating could soon be banned until all
International Child-Centered Divorce Awareness Month, January 2014
In January, we observe International Child-Centered Divorce Awareness Month. This month was chosen to recognize the impact divorce has on children because more divorces are
Good Parenting Practices: Ways to Model Behavior for Children
Parents, we’ve all been there. We expect perfect behavior from our children, yet we don’t always model it. From the casual slip of a four-letter
Finances During Divorce
Bank Statements in Divorce
Multi-State Divorce Lawyers Representing Clients In Financial Matters During a divorce, courts may look at a lot of information and evidence to ensure that people receive
7 Steps to Earn Financial Freedom
Do you have a financial plan? How about a budget? Do you continually invest in your own savings account? If your answer is no to
Protecting Your Finances and Credit During a Missouri Divorce
Concerns over finances are often a root cause of marital discord. When you combine financial worries with a divorce, it can be a recipe for
Financial habits between married and divorced people and how they differ
Financial habits between married and divorced people and how they differ Personal financial habits factor into the viability of long-term relationships. A recent survey conducted
Looking for a Financial Planner? Consider This…
Choosing a financial planner is an important step in taking charge of your finances and planning for the future. Building a comprehensive financial plan is
High Asset Divorce
The story of Google’s Co-founder and His Wife
Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google, and his wife, Anne Wojcicki, a genetic-testing entrepreneur and co-founder of 23andMe, have separated and their lives are dissected in
What Is The Best Option?
What Are Domestic Asset Protection Trusts? Domestic Asset Protection Trusts (“DAPTs”) are irrevocable trusts that can be established in states that have special laws for
Russian billionaire’s contentious divorce spilling over to US as Sochi Winter Olympics play out
Vladimir Potanin, a billionaire who helped bankroll much of the Winter Olympics including an entire ski resort in Sochi, is involved in a highly contentious
The important roles of financial experts in a high-asset divorce
This article looks at the important roles played by forensic accountants and valuation experts in divorce. A couple that has a large marital estate is,
What to expect in a high-asset or complex Missouri divorce
A complex divorce requires certain actions that are not always applicable in every divorce. Divorce can be challenging no matter the income bracket or assets
Tips for Divorce
Do Character Witnesses Matter in Family Law Cases?
Expert witnesses play a significant part in most divorce and family law cases, which leads people to discuss the significance of character witnesses. Do they
Navigation Tips for the Road to Independence
Nobody ever said starting a new chapter was going to be easy. Whether you’re making changes in your personal or professional life, these smart tips
Prioritizing what is important
Issues in a Divorce and Family Law Matter In divorce, there can be many substantive issues in play for each of the parties. In a
Divorce Does Not Need To Be An Emotional Rollercoaster
Thousands upon thousands of words of case law have been written regulating the specifics of divorce, but they may not affect the emotions attached to
Breaking the News to Mom & Dad and the In-Laws That You are Divorcing
Maybe your parents and in-laws have suspected that all is not right with your marriage. Maybe they have offered advice along the way. Now, no
4 Ways to Reduce Stress While You’re Going Through a Lawsuit
As a working parent, you probably already feel like you spend most days trying to keep as many figurative balls in the air as possible.
3 Essential Do’s for Surviving a Divorce
Who is that strange man in your bed? No, you didn’t get drunk last night and have a one-night stand with a stranger. That’s your
Healthy Mindsets That Will Keep You Sane During a Divorce
When the wounds are too deep for reconciliation and the only alternative is divorce, it’s vital you care of yourself, both emotionally and financially. If
Why Can’t An Attorney Tell Me What’s Going To Happen With My Case On The Phone?
It’s an every day occurrence at most law firms. The phone rings from a potential client with an urgent question. They may have just found
Don’t let your divorce take over your life
A Divorce is an Emotional Rollercoaster Going through a divorce can be one of the hardest experiences any person can go through. It gets scary
The Power of Confidence in Divorce
Having confidence during the divorce process is a powerful ingredient for success. When you are prepared for success, it shows. It shows in your body
Why many wait until January to file for divorce in Missouri
January has the distinction of being the month when courts receive the highest number of divorce filings across the country and in Missouri. The holidays
The Numbing Effect of Divorce
Divorce is one of the hardest experiences you may encounter in life. You may feel like a failure. You may feel rejected. You may feel
Helpful Tips for a Happy Mother’s Day for Divorced Moms
Mothers play a critical role in the upbringing of their children-from the time the baby is born to the time they learn how to drive
Will a divorce fix everything?
Marriage Ending in a Divorce Unfortunately, in many marriages, things don’t always work out perfectly. Sometimes there’s a lot of fighting and bickering which raises
Telling children about divorce: Strategies for parents
There are several strategies parents should use while telling their children about their plans to get a divorce. Divorce can be a highly emotional, logistically
Tips for your Divorce Case
Should I Text My Lawyer?
Text messages (also known as SMS, short message service) are a common way of communicating. Instead of picking up the phone or drafting an email,
Body Language Matters in the Family Court
In the family court, there are a lot of moving parts. This includes worrying about the witnesses who will be called, the evidence presented, and how
Risks Of Bringing Friends
Nothing in life is without risk and divorce is no exception. During a stressful time it’s understandable that people want the support of friends and
What’s A Court Docket And How Do They Work?
What Is A Court Docket in Divorce & Family Law Cases? If you are going through a divorce or are involved in another family law
Special Process Servers | Divorce and Family Law | SLF
An important first step in most divorce or family law matters is one party serves the other party the summons and initial pleadings in the
A MSA Can Help Your Divorce Go Smoothly
Divorce is emotional enough without having to sort through complex legal terms, of which there are many in common divorce proceedings. It’s easy to get
Prenuptial Agreements for Elderly Couples
When thinking about prenuptial agreements one commonly may envision parents urging their soon-to-be wed child not to be blinded by love, and to protect their
What To Wear To Family Court
Does it matter what I wear to divorce or family court? Going to court can be an unpleasant ordeal. Clearly, an individual can be exceptionally
Preparing for a court date in your case
Court Dates During a Divorce For many people the process of getting a divorce can be a very stressful experience. Having to prepare for a
Ten Recommendations for Testifying in Divorce Court
Even though most divorces “settle” and don’t end up in court, it is prudent to have an idea of what to expect should you go
Where Divorce Can Be Denied in Orthodox Judaism, Prenuptial Agreements May be Considered
Making the news is the issue of how to get a divorce in the Orthodox Jewish religion when it is denied by your husband. This
Having the necessary evidence on marital property and debt
Marital Property and Debt During a Divorce When parties get divorced, they generally have to report to the court all the marital property and debt
Lessons Learned from one Divorce Story Close to Home
As the “Gray Divorce” points out, older Americans are splitting up in record numbers-one quarter of all divorces now involve people over 50. This is
Finances after Divorce
Can a small business survive after the divorce of its co-owners or “copreneurs?”
A small business can survive and even thrive after the divorce of its co-owners or “copreneurs” as a business couple who owns a shared company
After the Divorce: A New, Financially Sound You
The divorce is final and the settlement is done. If mistakes have been made, they are in the past, and nothing short of going back
Tax Audits Are a Common Result of Divorce
The last thing anyone wants to experience is a divorce. It’s a process that everyone hopes to forget. However, one of the worst ways to
Handling Taxes After Filing for Divorce
Learning about the tax implications surrounding divorce helps immensely when it comes to reducing frustration and avoiding financial blunders. There is a lot to take
Financial problems may arise following later-in-life divorces
According to the most recent complete data available, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services report that there were over 23,000 Missouri marriages that
Coping after Divorce
Recover from Heartbreak: 4 Tips for Self-Discovery & Moving On
In a world driven by the pursuit of happiness, many of us are also on the quest for love. A person’s love story throughout a
But what if I don’t want the divorce?
Sometimes in a divorce case, not everyone in the party wants it. In some instances, one party very badly wants to save their marriage. Maybe they
6 Dos and Don’ts of Dating After Divorce
Starting over after a divorce is challenging, even more so when you have kids dealing with numerous emotional issues due to the circumstances. You spend
Rebuilding Your Life After Divorce
A divorce is one of the most emotionally taxing experience that anybody will have to face. For some, it was known this was coming for
Logic and emotions in a divorce case
When entering a divorce, there are two emotions that come into play: logic versus emotion. When a family law case begins, there are so many
Don’t Sign Without An Attorney’s Guidance
The burden that one experiences when facing a new divorce, custody, or family law case can be too much to bear for some. For some
One mom copes with divorce by writing simple hashtags
Just hours after she and her husband’s decision to separate, Denise Albert sat down at the computer and started to write about her divorce. Albert
The important roles of financial experts in a high-asset divorce
This article looks at the important roles played by forensic accountants and valuation experts in divorce. A couple that has a large marital estate is,
After the Divorce
5 Ways to Achieve Confidence When Dating
The world of dating can be quite intimidating. A healthy self-esteem and level of confidence are a must when trying to build a healthy and
Dating After Divorce: How to Date in a Technological World
Dating after a divorce is a different beast than the dating you did in your teens and 20s. After a divorce, you might feel hesitant,
Is taking out a life insurance policy on my ex-spouse a possibility?
Yes, you can take out a life insurance policy on your ex-spouse if there is an insurable interest such as maintenance (alimony) and/or child support
You Can Maintain an Amicable Relationship With Your Ex
Divorce is never easy, not for anyone. Not mom or dad and especially not the kids. Maintaining an amicable relationship is not only important for
What do you want your family to look like after the divorce?
Families are more diverse today with less focus on their structure and more emphasis on function and purpose. The prime role of the family is
Without a doubt, custody can be one of the most heated issues during a divorce. We understand how important your children are, and our law firm will work diligently to ensure that their best interests are represented. These articles, which discuss a wide variety of custody issues, can help you get the information you are looking for.
Child Custody
Why don’t I have custody rights if I’m on the birth certificate?
A father calls saying that he in on the birth certificate of a child that was born out-of-wedlock. The mother, for whatever reason, will not
Divorcing parents love & dread summer
Although we all love the sunny days of summer, divorcing moms and dads sometimes dread the thought of summer without the structure of school for
The Baby’s Daddy Gabriel Aubry is awarded $16,000 a Month in Child Support from Halle Berry
It is official… Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Scott Gordon ruled on May 30th that Oscar-winner, Halle Berry, will pay her ex-boyfriend, Gabriel Aubry, $16,000
Can parents move out of state with children after a divorce?
A parent may be able to move out of state if he or she gives the proper notice, gets approval, has a good reason, and
Bode Miller’s child custody battle and the effect on pregnant women in the U.S.
Bode Miller, Olympic winner of the bronze medal in the super-G event, has had his share of hardships and mishaps in the last year –
Law Enforcement Involvement in Child Custody Proceedings
Law enforcement in child custody proceedings can often take place when severe allegations of abuse occur. Obviously, the concerns can take a different turn when
Third Party Visitation Rights in Missouri
Below is some Missouri law involving third party custody. This summary includes some relevant statutes and an important Missouri case summaryBecause the facts of every
Parenting Coordinators: A New Trend in Custody Cases
Parenting coordinators are becoming a new trend in high conflict custody cases. The court appoints trained parenting coordinators to help parents make decisions together.[1] The
Enforcing child support orders in the state of Missouri
Often, family law courts in St. Louis, and throughout Missouri, order child support for parents who have never been married, or those who are divorced.
Do kids get to choose where they live?
Can A Child Choose Where They Will Live? When a divorce or child custody case starts, many go to their lawyer and express that their
Drugs During Child Custody Matters
Drugs During Your Child Custody Dispute In times of a divorce, custody, or family law matter leading to a case; the parties going through the case
How drugs can ruin your custody case
The process of any custody case is often emotionally difficult and draining. Usually custody cases often happen in the midst of a break-up. The break
State Supreme Court to Decide Custody Rights of Undocumented Immigrant
The Missouri Supreme Court will soon decide the fate of Carlos Romero, a three year old child adopted while his mother was in jail on
Missouri child relocation laws: You can’t just pick up and move
The economic downturn of recent years has led to thousands of layoffs, resulting in countless moves by those unfortunate Missouri workers desperately searching for employment.
Overnight Dates Could Seriously Damage Your Child Custody Case
Should you have a member of the opposite sex spend the night while you are going through a divorce? The resounding answer is -no. “If
Missouri Parenting Plans
For most parents, nothing is more important to them then their children. That is why child custody matters can be some of the most intense
Joint Custody
The Very Real Risks of “Sharenting”
From the moment the camera was invented and someone captured a toothless grin of an adorable baby on film, parents have loved taking pictures of
In Co-Parenting: Matching Parenting Styles with Children’s Temperaments
Parents influence, teach and socialize their children. Often times, in divorce, differing parental styles can become a major conflict between co-parents. The trick is to
Joint Custody Preferred by Most Judges
Some clients who come to Stange Law Firm, PC inquire about the possibility of receiving “full custody” of their children. We ask if they are
Studies show joint parenting may be best for children
Studies show that children are often better developed if they have significant interactions with both parents after a divorce. When parents file for divorce in
New Shared Parenting Bill (HB1550) Signed in Missouri
HB1550 Shared Parenting Bill A new shared parenting was signed into law by Governor Nixon in Missouri. This new bill is a move toward making
New Illinois Law: Allows Judges to Order a “Right of First Refusal” for Parents Who Share Joint Custody
A new law went into effect in Illinois on January 14, 2014 that allows judges to order a “right of first refusal” for parents who
Shared-parenting laws gaining momentum
Shared equal custody or commonly-called shared-parenting laws are gaining momentum as more state lawmakers examine the pros and cons of children spending equal amounts of
What Is A Home Study In An Adoption?
Home Studies in Adoption Have you decided that you would like to adopt a child? This is wonderful news, as adoption can be a joyous
International Adoption
Local Process and Requirements Intercountry adoption is a form of adoption in which the adoptive parents are citizens of one country (the United States for
A 9-Year-Old Girl Removed from Adoptive Parents & Given to Dad She Never Knew
A 9-year-old girl was removed from her adoptive parent’s home after her biological father was released from prison and demanded her back.Since 2006, Sonja has
Post-Adoption Contact and Other Complex Adoption Issues
Drafting and Enforceability of Post-Adoption Contact Agreements Post-adoption contact agreements are agreements between the adoptive parents and the birth parents that allow birth parents to
Establishing parental rights through stepparent adoption
The definition of an American family has grown to embrace a variety of domestic situations. In some cases, a step-parent is the best choice to
How does closed and open adoption differ?
Find out the difference between open and closed adoptions. Learn how they may affect both parties and how Kansas law affects getting information after an
How can Missouri parents help adopted kids feel at home?
Adoptive parents in Missouri should gain a bit of insight into how to help an adoptive child feel at ease in her or his new
Implementation Of Adoptee’s Rights Act In Missouri
It’s easier than ever for people who were adopted in Missouri to obtain information on their origins. This is a change from much of the
The basics: Missouri stepparent adoption
Stepparent adoption is a way in which a stepparent can gain legal parental rights and form an unbreakable bond with his or her stepchildren. Stepparent
Fathers sue Utah over law that puts their babies up for adoption
Twelve men are suing the state of Utah because of a law that allows mothers to put up their babies for adoption without the father’s
Missouri grandparents can fight for grandchild visitation rights
Gone are the days when it was simply expected that children would be raised in traditional nuclear families. In today’s world it is quite common
Census Reveals That Increasingly Grandparents Raise Grandkids
Over the past decade, the number of grandparents raising their grandchildren on a full-time basis has increased dramatically. However, taking responsibility for a grandchild’s care
Paul Walker’s Mother Petitions to Become Granddaughter’s Guardian
Cheryl Ann Walker, the late Paul Walker’s mother, filed a legal petition on Tuesday, March 18, to be appointed guardian of her 15-year-old granddaughter, Meadow
Visitation rights of nonparents in Illinois
Getting visitation as a nonparent is possible if in the child’s best interest and under the right circumstances. Illinois law gives certain people the right
What rights do grandparents have?
Knowing what rights they have can help grandparents obtain rights for visitation with their grandkids. Those living in Missouri who have grandchildren most likely love
In many divorces, one party will often end up making payments to the other, whether it is in the form of child support, spousal support or both. These articles discuss numerous topics that can come up during the process, and they can help you get a sense of what to expect.
Child Support
Sometimes a Paternity Test Might Not Be Advisable
Are You the Father? Sometimes, It Might Not Be Clear Truth be told, there are certainly some paternity and custody cases where the person thought
Women more frequently ordered to pay child support
For many highly successful couples, issues of child support during divorce are complicated as both parents seek to give their child or children a similar
Enforcing child support orders in the state of Missouri
Often, family law courts in St. Louis, and throughout Missouri, order child support for parents who have never been married, or those who are divorced.
Willingly Paying Child Support
Voluntarily Paying Child Support: Multi-State Child Support Lawyers In many different instances, it can end up being some time before the child custody and support
How are child support orders enforced in Illinois?
When Illinois parents fall behind or choose not to make their child support payments, the state has a number of enforcement options it may pursue.
NJ teen sues parents for financial support: loses round one in suit
A New Jersey high school senior sued her parents, asserting her parents had thrown her out of the family home when she turned 18 and
Spousal Support
Providing for Your Child’s College Education in Your Divorce Decree
It is important to provide for your child’s college education before you sign that divorce decree. Make sure that your attorney has spelled out the
As breadwinning moms increase so do dads seeking spousal support
Women are the sole or primary breadwinners in 4 out of 10 households with children, according to a 2013 report by the Pew Research Center.
An introduction to Missouri spousal maintenance
Missouri maintenance law has some traditional and some modern aspects. For most divorcing couples, whether spousal maintenance – a legal obligation of money support payments
Alimony tax deduction eliminated
The alimony tax deduction has been a staple of divorce law for a long time. The issue first arose prominently in the U.S. Supreme Court
Helping Your Children During Your Divorce
Couples getting a divorce often worry about the impact on their children. Breaking the news, and helping children deal with their emotions and new routines
What are the basics of alimony law in Oklahoma?
Judges have fairly wide discretion to fashion alimony awards in Oklahoma. One of the more important legal issues to be settled in divorce is whether
In Kansas, judges have wide discretion to fashion alimony awards
On behalf of Kirk Stange Judges are directed in this task by state statute and guided in detail by the case law as explained in
Illinois updates its alimony guidelines following tax changes
Illinois recently updated its alimony guidelines in response to the elimination of the alimony deduction. Earlier this year President Trump signed into law the Tax
Keeping your children’s educational funds intact after divorce
On behalf of Kirk Stange This article explains how to treat a college savings 529 plan in divorce. No matter how high it gets, college
Family Law
Family law cases are never easy. You can be faced with anything from a divorce to child custody to guardianship. These articles can provide information regardless of the type of family law case you are facing.
Your Family Law Attorney
Should I Text My Lawyer?
Text messages (also known as SMS, short message service) are a common way of communicating. Instead of picking up the phone or drafting an email,
Family Court Information in Kansas City, Missouri
Jackson County, Missouri Family Court Information in Kansas City For residents in Jackson County, Missouri, in the Kansas City Area, they may have lots of
Family Court Information in Columbia, Missouri
Columbia, Missouri Family Court Information in Boone County For the residents in Columbia, Missouri that are dealing with any family law issues, they may have
When Is My Family Law Case Over?
Individuals going through a family law case usually want their case to be completed as soon as possible. The emotional and financial burden of these
One Attorney For Both Parties? Is That Allowed?
Can One Attorney Represent both Parties In A Divorce? Potential clients often call a divorce firms asking if both parties can use just one attorney
Do-It-Yourself Divorce More Costly in the Long Run
You wouldn’t buy over-the-counter medicine for a serious illness. Symptoms that seem simple might be a sign of a more serious problem. You would instead
Preparing for divorce in Missouri: Hiring the right attorney
Divorce lawyers may profoundly impact their clients’ cases, which is why it is vital that people take care when choosing their legal representatives. The Missouri
Why are cancer doctors revered and divorce lawyers distrusted?
A recent Gallup Poll from December 5-8, 2013 provides some interesting data regarding lawyers and doctors. When the a sample of participants were polled, sixty-nine
Why Are Fixed Fees Problematic in Family Law?
The Advisory Committee of the Supreme Court of Missouri in Formal Opinion 128 concludes that nonrefundable fees are considered unethical in Missouri. “In many instances,
Health and Family Law
Dealing With Therapy Privilege
Therapy and Mental Health Records Often Important in Custody Proceedings Communication with therapists and other health professionals can be a heavily litigated issue in a
Common Mental Health Conditions Affecting Custody & Asset Division
In resolving child custody issues, the primary consideration is the best interests and welfare of the child. The mental health of the parents is one
For the Love of Sports, Know When to Compromise
Compromises are part of any relationship, but compromises over sports is one of the hardest to make. Here are three ways to successfully find a
Tips on Handling Divorce with the Special Needs Child
While divorce can be hard on parents, children also can sense the tumultuous ups and downs associated with divorce. Children are vulnerable and special needs
When children need therapy after their parents’ divorce
Children may benefit from therapy after times of stressful changes like those in a divorce. During transitional periods of major family changes, kids may have
Tips for your Family Law Case
Should I Text My Lawyer?
Text messages (also known as SMS, short message service) are a common way of communicating. Instead of picking up the phone or drafting an email,
Body Language Matters in the Family Court
In the family court, there are a lot of moving parts. This includes worrying about the witnesses who will be called, the evidence presented, and how
Staying calm when reading court documents
Are legal pleadings filed by the other side upsetting you? When a divorce or family law case begins, it usually starts with the filing of
Can character witnesses be needed in family law issues?
Expert witnesses are very important in a family law issue or a divorce case. Naturally, this led to a discussion about character witnesses. Do character
American courts & their use of foreign law in family law cases
“The benefits of bans on the use of foreign law are likely to be small – but the costs could be grave,” contends Eugene Volokh,
Tips for giving your divorce or family law deposition
One of the tools for discovery in a divorce is the use of depositions. A deposition is your testimony, under oath. You will be sworn
Mark Sanford’s Super Bowl saga illustrates important family court lesson
During the Super Bowl last year, former governor of South Carolina, Mark Sanford, got himself into some trouble with his ex-wife, Jenny Sanford, and the
Family Law During the Holidays
Child custody in Missouri over the holidays: A primer
Parents may need to review child custody arrangements before making holiday plans. The holidays are often a time to focus on family and celebrate a
Gifts that Give: Charitable Mother’s Day Gifts
Mother’s Day is coming up fast. You might have some ideas for gifts, but have you considered gifts that give back? Of course, getting your
March 20th is “International Day of Happiness”
The International Day of Happiness, as established by the United Nations General Assembly, is March 20th. So what should you celebrate? Especially those in the
The Holidays Are Over, Amen: Now It’s Time to Rejuvenate
You’ve earned a break. After the shopping and celebrating whirlwind that is Christmas, you probably ran yourself ragged preparing for the New Year. Not only
Facts regarding marriage and divorce on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2014
Celebrating love is the custom of Valentine’s Day. Opinions differ on the history of the original Valentine, but the most popular theory is that a
Military Family Law
Matthew Hindes is a sailor stationed in a submarine somewhere in the Pacific. Four years after he was granted permanent custody of his child, 6-year-old
Changes in military retirement will have major impact on divorces
The new military retirement system began on January 1, 2018. The question of how retirement benefits will be divided in divorce is always important to
Stays in Divorce Proceedings Involving Service Members
Pursuant to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (“SCRA), active duty military personnel cannot have a default judgment entered against them for failing to respond to
U.S. Supreme Court case will impact former and future military divorces
On behalf of Kirk Stange Complex matters concerning military retirement and disability pay are at issue. In May 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court issued an
Thank You This Memorial Day
Memorial Day, a true American holiday, honors the men and women who gave their lives while serving in the U.S. military. The holiday is observed
Men in Family Law
Being a father in a family law case can be difficult. These articles can provide some information into the rights that fathers have in divorce cases and unmarried fathers have in paternity cases.
What is the Missouri Putative Father Registry?
Around the country, forty percent of children are born out of wedlock. In some cases, when a romantic relationship between unmarried partners turns sour, a
Father of a Teenager?: Tips to Teach the Value of Money
According to a Charles Schwab Foundation’s Teens & Money Survey, only 48 percent of those surveyed said they understand how to budget their money, and
Courts look to the importance of dads by favoring joint custody
There is a saying: “Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad”. This is especially true for dads
A Dad’s Power of Example
There are more than 70.1 million fathers in the US with 24.4 million involved in raising children under the age of 18, according to fatherhood
Home Paternity Tests Fill the Shelves in British Pharmacies, and U.S. Companies Following Suit
Recent scientific advances have consistently revealed the awesome power of DNA to unlock mysteries of the human condition. Some breakthroughs are indisputably landmarks: the advent
The Importance of Fathers
Four decades later, after research and hundreds of studies, statistics show that fathers who are active in their children’s lives largely determine their future success.
The Father-daughter relationship: How to stay connected after divorce
The father-daughter relationship has far-reaching impact on a daughter’s psychological well-being and identity, even though it is a subject that is one of the most
Unemployed Dads Face Increased Likelihood of Divorce
Facing unemployment in this tough economy is challenging for anyone. For men, who still often feel the social pressure of being the primary breadwinner, it
Paternity: The Importance of Establishing a Legal Father for Your Child
Paternity is a legal term that means fatherhood. In the state of Missouri, if parents are married, the husband is automatically considered to be the
Unmarried Fathers May Lose Parental Rights in Missouri
A child usually benefits from having two parents involved in his or her life. A mother or father’s parental rights should therefore only be terminated
Because our law firm focuses exclusively on family, we have a deep understanding of the way that relationships affect your client’s lives. These articles address a variety of topics and provide interesting perspectives on the ways in which different issues can hurt and help relationships.
Does an Affair Legally Matter in Divorce?
With the advent of no-fault divorce, many think that fault no longer matters. As it relates to divorce, the viewpoint is that an affair does
Is the reason people have affairs is that they want to stay married?
“The reason people have affairs is that they want to stay married,” contends Noel Biderman, chief executive of Avid Life Media Inc., which operates,
Affairs happen in happy marriages: What are we looking for?
It was once thought that only people in unhappy marriages have affairs. But this is not necessarily the case in marriages today. It turns out
Does an Affair Legally Matter in Divorce?
With the advent of no-fault divorce, many think that fault no longer matters. As it relates to divorce, the viewpoint is that an affair does
Is the reason people have affairs is that they want to stay married?
“The reason people have affairs is that they want to stay married,” contends Noel Biderman, chief executive of Avid Life Media Inc., which operates,
Can politics ruin a marriage?
When you are a Democrat and your spouse a Republican, can it lead to marriage woes? Discover how politics could break up your happy home.
4 Ways to Save Your Relationship Before Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is associated with flowers, chocolates, and romance. For many couples, though, Valentine’s Day could mean a breakup. Statistically, couples are more likely to
Affairs happen in happy marriages: What are we looking for?
It was once thought that only people in unhappy marriages have affairs. But this is not necessarily the case in marriages today. It turns out
How to Successfully Buy a Place Together
There are many milestones in relationships: the first date, the first kiss, saying I love you, meeting the parents and so on. While many of
One Answer to the War on Poverty… Marriage
Sometimes old ideas are the best ideas says Pulitzer Prize winning writer, Kathleen Parker. In an article, “To defeat poverty, look to marriage” she contends
The True Cost Of Addiction Extends Far Beyond Money
The story of Erick Lindgren epitomizes the extreme highs and life-threatening lows that result from addiction. Lindgren, a professional poker player, has earned $10 million
Technology is advancing every day. The affect it has on family law has been growing just as fast. From before the case, to discovery, during the case and even after, technology can both positively and negatively affect the outcome of any case. The articles below highlight information that could help you properly use technology during your family law case.
Technology in Family Law
Should I Text My Lawyer?
Text messages (also known as SMS, short message service) are a common way of communicating. Instead of picking up the phone or drafting an email,
Best Practices for Authenticating, Presenting & Disputing Digital Evidence
Below is a summary of best practices for authenticating, presenting, and disputing digital evidence in court. This summary includes some relevant statutes and applicable case
Show your ex is cohabitating through cell phone usage
So your former spouse is in a new relationship? If you are paying your ex maintenance, also known as alimony in some states, there is
Technology management for children in future divorce decrees?
Joint physical custody is becoming more and more the norm in today’s society. Since no one parent has primary custody of the child and since
Pros and Cons of Using Computer Forensic Experts in Divorce and Family Law Cases
Use of Computer Forensic Experts in Divorce & Family Law In many family law matters, social media evidence and electronically stored information can become critical
Email & Text Message Evidence in Litigation
Email & Text Message Evidence in Litigation Kirk C. Stange * Special thanks to Alicia Kapolis and Primrose Mungwari for helping prepare these materials. Court
Electronic Evidence in Divorce and Family Law Litigation
The conventional ways to obtain information in divorce and family law proceedings are well known: (1) Interrogatories; (2) Requests for Production; and (3) Depositions. Typically,
E-Mail & Text Message Evidence in Litigation
Email & Text Message Evidence in Litigation Kirk C. Stange * Special thanks to Alicia Kapolis and Primrose Mungwari for helping prepare these materials. Court
Non-Traditional Sources of Electronic Evidence
There are lots of non-traditional sources of electronic and social media evidence that can be important to a divorce or family law case. Do you
Identity Theft and Divorce: 4 Ways to Protect Yourself
No one says “I Do” while thinking the marriage won’t last but, unfortunately, statistics show that divorce is the result for at least three couples
Social Media and Family Law
Twitter ban and jail time for party harassing judge in custody case
A 34-year-old woman has been banned from using Twitter as part of her sentence for stalking and harassing Pennsylvania Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy.Sadiyyah F. Young was
Instagram, Vine, Snapchat and Other Photo and Video Sharing Apps Becoming More Popular in Family Law
Photo and video sharing apps are becoming increasingly popular. As with other social media avenues, these apps can often provide important evidence in a divorce,
How can Linkedin pages help in a divorce?
With the growing popularity of social media, online accounts are becoming more useful when it comes to family law cases. With social media outlets such
Judge DQ’d from divorce for trying to friend a party on Facebook
A Florida divorce case is getting quite a bit of attention. According to an opinion by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in Florida, the
How does your online social media presence affect your divorce?
The divorce process is often muddied with a number of issues – all of which are saturated with heavy emotions and stress. Property division, child
Facebook Discovery in Divorce and Family Law: How To-s
In many divorce and family law cases, a party might determine that evidence from Facebook is important in their case as it relates to a
Social Media Evidence What Is Discoverable and Advising
Social Media Evidence: What Is Discoverable and Advising Clients What is Discoverable? There are numerous social networking sites out there including: Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Instagram;
Steve Nash case shows how the use of Twitter in a custody case can become important
Celebrity gossip is mostly a matter of he said she said. NBA star, Steve Nash, knows this all too well after fighting a difficult child
Does Twitter cause infidelity & divorce? Is it yes, no or something in between?
According to Amanda Hess, staff writer for Slate, “A new study says Twitter causes infidelity and divorce.” Hess replies, “Don’t believe it.”Amanda is referring to
Same-Sex Couples
Effect of Windsor
Understanding Windsor Summary courtesy of the Political Science Department at Texas A&M: “In United States v. Windsor, the Supreme Court held Section 3 of the
Battle over same-sex marriage in Utah heats up
Utah state attorneys filed their opening argument to the federal appeals court on Monday, Feb. 4, 2014, examining the state’s same-sex marriage ban. State attorneys
The property division process’ effect on same-sex divorce in Illinois
Even though the divorce process is similar for heterosexual and same-sex couples in Illinois, same-sex couples still face unique challenges. When couples divorce, one of
Same sex divorce in Illinois
Along with the legalization of same-sex marriages in the state of Illinois comes the need to understand same-sex divorce. Since June 1, 2014, the state
Family Law Violence
Mutual Spousal Abuse Allegations
In high conflict custody battles, allegations of drug and alcohol abuse and domestic violence are commonly raised. Other allegations can also be brought into these
Restraining Orders, Protective Orders and Injunctive Relief
Restraining orders, protective orders and injunctive relief can be an important component of child custody cases in situations where abuse and neglect is alleged. In
Hearsay Statements of Child Abuse Victims
Admissibility of Statements of Children Relative to Sexual Abuse In child custody cases involving abuse, including sexual abuse, the statements of a child might be
Fertility and Surrogacy
The Brave New World of Custody in Assisted Reproduction
1. Custody of Embryos and Frozen Sperm Below is a summary of some of the issues that can take place when trying to determine which
Actor Jason Patric fights for custody of his son & sperm donor rights
“The Lost Boys” actor Jason Patric is in a heated battle with his ex-girlfriend to determine whether certain sperm donors should be granted parental rights.
Infertility solutions and the risks involved
Prospective parents struggling with conception should know what may be causing their issues and how to address them, as well as possible legal risks involved.
How to establish a successful surrogacy arrangement
Surrogacy offers a wonderful pathway to parenthood for couples unable to conceive or carry a child. However, unless you’re careful, legal pitfalls can doom the
Surrogacy Agreements: The Latest Case Law and Drafting Tools
Assisted Reproductive Technology and the Law According to a 2014 New York Times article, there is no federal surrogacy law, and state laws vary wildly.
Kansas Court ruling: Sperm donor ordered to pay child support
A Kansas sperm donor who tried to help a lesbian couple by making his donation five years ago has found himself caught in the middle
Mediation and Collaborative Law
The Collaborative Divorce Process
•pull quote from Kirk out of video •other call outs •graph, table or other chart The Collaborative Divorce Process-Overview Collaborative divorce is a voluntary, contractually
Differences between mediation & collaborative law
Most parties would choose an out-of-court settlement versus a contested court hearing/trial. Parties do not want to be a part of the costs of a
Consider whether collaborative divorce may be a good alternative for you
On behalf of Kirk Stange Collaboration is a dignified divorce process involving mutual respect and creative solutions. Collaborative divorce is an alternate way to get
Collaborative Divorce Versus Uncontested Flat Fee Divorce
Differences Between Collaborative Divorce and Fixed Fee, Uncontested Divorce When many see these terms, they think they mean the same thing. To many individuals, collaborative
Collaborative divorce: Role of the divorce coach
In collaborative divorce, the divorce coach is a mental health professional who assists divorcing spouses through impasses in communication and emotional turmoil in the negotiation
When To Negotiate And When To Litigate During Divorce
During the emotional and psychological turmoil of a divorce, both parties may look towards an out-of-court settlement versus proceeding with contested litigation. Couples seeking to
Weighing Your Options: When Is Alternative Dispute Resolution Appropriate In Family Law?
Below are some advantages and disadvantages to alternative dispute resolution in divorce and family law matters: Advantages Parties can participate in alternative dispute resolution prior
How to Make Mediation Work
Mediation is a helpful tool that helps parties come to a settlement agreement. The process of mediation allows for both parties to openly discuss all
Asset Division
Does an Affair Legally Matter in Divorce?
With the advent of no-fault divorce, many think that fault no longer matters. As it relates to divorce, the viewpoint is that an affair does
Illinois divorce law is uniquely pet-friendly
A recent law provides a new approach for judges facing disputes over who gets the family pet. The Insurance Information Institute says that 67% of
Division of Family Limited Partnerships
Family-limited partnership interests can be a significant issue in high-asset divorce cases. Whether through equitable division, or states that still engage in some form of
Common Issues In Dividing a Family Business
Often, the largest asset in a case where one spouse owns a business is the business itself in divorce, and often the biggest assets of
Divorce & Estate Plans
Divorce and Estate Planning Divorce is an emotional and financial roller coaster and estate planning may not be one of your priorities, but if steps
Missouri divorce: Dividing large assets requires proper planning
Dealing with divorce in Saint Louis County is one of the hardest experiences a person may have to go through. When there is a great
Is your spouse hiding assets pursuant to a divorce?
Are you concerned that your spouse failed to tell you about assets during your dissolution process? If you are, you should consult with an experienced
Pre-nup Agreements: Avoiding the Top Mistakes
Pre-nup Agreements: Avoiding the Top Mistakes Kirk C. Stange * Special thanks to Primrose Mungwari & Emily Donaldson for helping prepare these materials. 1. Failure
Trust Decanting and Divorce
In high asset divorce matters, the division of trust assets can be a significant issue. In complex cases, trust decanting can be an important issue
Should I let my spouse keep the house?
Illinois spouses who are getting divorced should learn how to protect themselves and their credit before they agree to let their partner keep the marital
Who Lets the Dog Out?
Anybody that has pets understands how special they are to a family. Pets are loved, give love and, at times, truly are a member of
Equitable Distribution versus Community Property
Missouri, Illinois, Kansas, and Oklahoma both follow equitable distribution models of property distribution in divorce proceedings. However, analyzing how community property and equitable distribution work,
Some Missouri Case Law Involving Contempt of Court
Contempt of court actions are brought in family law matters when one party alleges that the other has willfully failed to comply with a prior
Missouri Law Involving Contempt of Court
Below is some Missouri law involving contempt of court. This summary includes some relevant statutes and applicable case law. These are just some examples of
Unmarried Parents
Children of Unmarried Parents
Creating Legal Relationships Paternity The filing of a paternity or parentage action is one method a person may establish a legal relationship with a child
Birth Father’s Law
The Rights of Unwed Fathers History & National Trends Ask any family law practitioner informally to compare the number of divorces for which they are
Birth Father’s Law
III. The Rights of Unwed Fathers A. History & National Trends Ask any family law practitioner informally to compare the number of divorces for which
Legal Summaries
We have a wide variety of legal summaries to help you understand the law behind certain family law topics in Missouri, Illinois, Kansas and Oklahoma.
Divorce Case Intake and Pre-Litigation Tactics
DIVORCE CASE INTAKE AND PRE-LITIGATION TACTICS Client Interview Questions and Documents to Obtain In any type of legal interaction between a family law attorney and
Legal Summary: Family Law Ethics
IV. ETHICS Fee Agreements-Review a Sample Agreement Practical Tip: All family law attorneys should have a written fee agreement with their client before undertaking any
How Attorneys Can Guide Distraught Clients Through Difficult Divorces
Divorce can be an incredibly draining and stressful experience. Whether it’s a mutual decision, contested, or involves minimal shared property, divorce always holds the potential
Missouri Law Summary on Guardianships
Below is some Missouri law involving guardianships. This summary includes some relevant statutes and applicable case law. These are just some examples of reported cases
Vocational and Lifestyle Experts: Getting to Court to See Your Side on Support Issues
I. Employability Assessments in Divorce – What You Need to Know The purpose of evaluation is to assess current and/or future employability and wage earning
Missouri Law Summary on Name Changes for Minor Children
Parents are allowed to change their child’s name. Both parents must give written consent in order for a court to grant the name change. Missouri
Legal Summary: Family Law Mediation Bootcamp
BASIC MEDIATION SKILLS Understanding Conflict Conflict, or more specifically, interpersonal conflict, is a fact of life. It often emerges when people are stressed. It is
Facebook Evidence Used in More Divorces
A recent survey by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) revealed that social networking sites have become a hot source of evidence. Over eighty
Facebook Evidence and Divorce
I. Introduction Technology is advancing every day. The affect it has on family law has been growing just as fast. From before the case, to
Missouri Legal Summary on Adoptions
I. OVERVIEW – WHO CAN BE ADOPTED AND WHO CAN ADOPT?Adoption is the legal process that constructs a parent/child relationship between an adult and child,
Legal Ethics in Family Law
A. Confidentiality ConcernsA Lawyers’ duty of confidentiality is one of the profession’s “core values.” The ethics duty of confidentiality extends far beyond the evidentiary attorney-client
Custody Options, Procedures & Forms
While the laws can vary by state, legal custody refers to the legal authority to make major decisions on behalf of the child. Examples of
a. Real Estate and Valuation Experts – Areas Ripe for Examination One of the major issues in a divorce is dividing marital or community property,
Dividing Stock Options in Divorce
I. Community vs. Separate PropertyA stock option is a contractual right to purchase stock during a specified period at a predetermined price. Increasingly, corporations are
Discovery in Divorce – The Ultimate Guide for Paralegals
I. NEW DISCOVERY LAWS, RULES, AND PROCEDURES YOU NEED TO KNOW A. Discovery Rules Update In 2015, the first time since 2006, amendments regarding e-discovery
Deposition Strategies In Divorce
DEPOSITION STRATEGIES IN DIVORCE Handling the Divorce Deposition in Comparison with Other Depositions Anyone who can be a witness at trial can be deposed, including
Depositions & Cross Examinations: Best Practices & Strategies
I. Researching the Opposing Party’s Experts in Divorce: The deposition of an expert witness is the culmination of the opposing party’s defense or prosecution theory
Probably the best tool for tracking down cash and other hidden assets are tax returns. This is because even a spouse who is attempting to
Business Valuation in Divorce
I. Overview of Business Organization Structures When a married couple gets a divorce and one of the spouses owns a business that business is often
Attacking Real Estate & Valuation Experts in a Divorce
I. Understanding the Valuation Process and the LawOne of the major issues in a divorce is dividing marital or community property, and it can easily
Annual Law Update on Family Law
Child CustodyDavis v. Davis, 582 S.W. 3d 100 (Mo. Ct. App. W.D. 2019): Husband filed a petition for dissolution of marriage requesting that he and
Advanced Divorce Law
I. Case Law Update: The Latest Decisions Affecting Your Practice A. Same-Sex Marriage and Custody It is important to first establish the same-sex cases that
Adoption & Surrogacy Agreements
A. Open Adoption and Ongoing Contact Agreements1. Drafting Tips, Checklists and Forms Adoption is the permanent, legal transfer of all parental rights to another individual
Working With Experts in Divorce
I. Types of Divorce Experts and What They Do A child custody evaluation is a process in which a mental health expert, usually a psychologist,
Settlement Negotiation, Trial Strategies, and Drafting Final Orders
1. Settlement Negotiations In negotiations, there are multiple strategic goals that need to be met in order to be successful. They include: Determining whether a
Valuing and Dividing Complex Assets: Stock, Retirement Plans and More
III. Valuing and Dividing Complex Assets: Stock, Retirement Plans and More A. Stock Options: How to Value, How to Distribute and When Stock option is
Preparing for Mediation
1. What is mediation? During mediation, a qualified mediator assists both parties to come to an agreement by discussing different options for settlement and helping
Mistakes in Valuing and Dividing Real Property
Top Mistakes in Valuing and Dividing Real Property: A. Farmland and Divorce Traditionally, farms are acquired by gift or inheritance by or through family members.
Parental Alienation Syndrome: An Overview In Child Custody Litigation
What is Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)?A definition of alienation is a child who expresses, freely and persistently, unreasonable negative feelings and beliefs (such as anger,
Key Strategies to Get Your Evidence Admitted & Keeping Theirs Out
1. Strategies for Getting Evidence Authenticated Beyond Set Criteria GuideThere are multiple methods for getting your evidence authenticated for your case. The conventional methods consist
Imputed Income in Divorce
A. What is “Imputed” Income?Imputed income is income that a court assigns or credits to a party for the purpose of child support and /
How to Modify Custody and Visitation Orders
Many parents who go through a divorce and child custody dispute are left feeling defeated when everything has been finalized. This is especially true for
Key Strategies to Get Your Evidence Admitted & Keeping Theirs Out of it
1. Strategies for Getting Evidence Authenticated Beyond Set Criteria Guide There are multiple methods for getting your evidence authenticated for your case. The conventional methods
Legal Summary: Handling Ethical Issues in Family Law Practice for Paralegals
A. AVOIDING CONFLICTS OF INTERESTConflicts of interest can pose a serious problem if not properly handled from the start of a lawyer-client relationship in divorce
Missouri Summary on Divorce Procedures, Initial Steps and Motions
A. Recouping Attorneys’ Fees All attorneys should have a written fee agreement with their client before undertaking any representation in a divorce or family law
Paternity Actions
Paternity is a legal term that means fatherhood. In many states, if parents are married, the husband is automatically considered to be the father of
Legal Summary: Dividing Trust Assets in Divorce
a. Overview of Irrevocable vs. Revocable Trusts A trust is an agreement that is held by one person (trustee – person who manages the trust)
Sole Custody vs. Shared Parenting
If sole physical and legal custody is awarded, that parent gains has substantially more physical time and has the ability to make final decisions for
Family Law & Same Sex Marriages – Divorce, Custody, Support, & Embryos – Where it Stops – Nobody Knows
Family Law & Same Sex Marriages – Divorce, Custody, Support, & Embryos – Where it Stops – Nobody Knows (1) Same-Sex Marriage & Custody Same-sex
Missouri Summary on Legal Considerations in Family Law
A. Annulment vs. Separation vs. Divorce: I. Annulment By annulling a marriage, the court makes it so it is as if the marriage never existed
Missouri Law Summary: Understanding the Pros and Cons of Joint Custody
Below is some Missouri law on child custody (and joint custody in particular). This summary includes some relevant statutes and applicable case law. These are
Illinois Law Summary: Guardianships and Voluntary Relinquishment
Below is some Illinois law involving guardianships and voluntary relinquishment. This summary includes some relevant statutes and applicable case law. These are just some examples
Tax Treatment and Consequence of Divorce
Tax Treatment and Consequences of Divorce – Multi-State Divorce Lawyers a. Taxation of Asset Transfers 26 USCA § 1041: Transfers of property between spouses or
Rules, Procedures, and Changes You Need to Know
Rules, Procedures, and Changes You Need to Know 1. Rules and Procedures for Getting Evidence Authenticated & AdmittedFed. R. Evid. 901 states that to satisfy
eDiscovery | Apps and Emerging Technology You Need To Know
KIRK C. STANGE, ESQ. * Special thanks to Emily Donaldson, Alicia Kapolis and Primrose Mungwari for helping prepare these materials. ENCRYPTED TEXT MESSAGING PLATFORMS Recovering
Tax Reform: Its Impact on Divorce
I. The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – An Overview of What’s Changed Treatment of Pass-Through Income From a Business The 2017 Tax Cuts
Missouri Family Law Update 2015
Below is a list and synopsis of some important family law appellate decisions that have come out in Missouri in 2014 and 2015. These cases
Legal Summary: Failure to Fully Anticipate and Minimize the Tax Consequences of Divorce
Tax-Free Asset Transfers – 26 USCA § 1041 (a) General rule. No gain or loss shall be recognized on a transfer of property from an
Negotiating, Drafting, Modifying, and Enforcing Marital Settlement Agreements
a. Obtaining Full Financial DisclosureProbably the best tool for tracking down cash and other hidden assets are tax returns. This is because even a spouse
Email Evidence in Divorce Litigation
Collecting Email Evidence in Divorce What to Look for and Where to Find it (Quickly) The overarching federal statute is 18 U.S.C. §1030 or the
Smartphone and Social Media Evidence in Divorce Litigation
a. Discovery How-to’s and Pointers The conventional ways to obtain information in divorce proceedings are well known: (1) Interrogatories; (2) Requests for Production; and (3)
Missouri Law Summary on Custody Modifications
Below is some Missouri law on motions to modify. This summary includes some relevant statutes and applicable case law. These are just some examples of
Illinois Law Summary: Educational Expenses and College Costs
Illinois Law Summary: Educational Expenses and College Costs Below is some Illinois law involving educational and college expenses. This summary includes some relevant statutes and applicable
Illinois Law Summary: Abuse and Temporary Child Custody
Below is a law summary regarding child custody cases in Illinois where abuse and temporary custody motions can interplay. This is an issue that can
Missouri Bar Annual Law Update: Family Law 2018
Child Support Beermann v. Jones, 524 S.W.3d 545 (Mo. App. W.D. 2017): Husband and Wife dissolved their marriage in November of 1998. At that time,
Missouri Bar Annual Law Update: Family Law 2019
I. Child Support Swanson v. Hernandez, 544 S.W.3d 315 (Mo. App. E.D. 2018): Father had three child support orders for three separate children of three
Legal Summary: Motions in Divorce – With Examples
Motions in Divorce With Examples – Multi-State Divorce Lawyers I. Emergency MotionsA. Restraining Orders & Habeas CorpusA temporary restraining order (TRO) prevents irreparable injury. In
Missouri case summary on paternity cases
Below is some Missouri law involving paternity cases. This summary includes some relevant statutes and applicable case law. These are just some examples of reported
Missouri Law Summary on Termination of Parental Rights
When do parents terminate their parental rights? Can the court terminate the parents’ rights? What factors are considered when terminating parental rights? In Missouri, termination
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Contact Divorce Attorneys in MO, IL, KS and OK in Saint Louis (Clayton, Belleville,
Maryville, St. Charles, Arnold & Elsewhere), Kansas City (Lee’s Summit and Overland Park),
Columbia, Springfield, Wichita, Topeka, Tulsa and beyond.
If you are looking to find and hire a divorce lawyer, contact us online or by phone to schedule a confidential consultation at
any of our convenient locations by calling 855-805-0595.
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Stange Law Firm, PC
120 S. Central Avenue, Suite 450
St. Louis (Clayton), Missouri 63105
Fax: 314-963-9191
Contact Our Team
When you choose us, you don’t have to sacrifice quality or service. You get the resources of a large family law firm AND the attentive service of a local attorney.
Text messages (also known as SMS, short message service) are a common way of communicating. Instead of picking up the phone or drafting an email,
In the family court, there are a lot of moving parts. This includes worrying about the witnesses who will be called, the evidence presented, and how
With the advent of no-fault divorce, many think that fault no longer matters. As it relates to divorce, the viewpoint is that an affair does
•pull quote from Kirk out of video •other call outs •graph, table or other chart The Collaborative Divorce Process-Overview Collaborative divorce is a voluntary, contractually
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