Child support and the skyrocketing cost of daycare


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Child support and the skyrocketing cost of daycare
On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Child Support on Thursday, July 11, 2019.

There is no doubt that the cost of raising a child is enormous. Many parents in the Midwest find themselves struggling to make ends meet, even when both parents are living and working together to meet financial obligations. Oftentimes, however, parents don’t live together, which can make sharing the financial responsibility of raising a child even more difficult. These circumstances usually give rise to child support disputes that must be appropriately addressed in order to reach a favorable outcome.

As we have discussed previously on this blog, child support can encompass a whole host of expenses. One of the biggest amongst them is childcare. Although some parents are lucky enough to have family members nearby who are willing to watch their children for free, a significant number of parents must pay a daycare to provide that service. These costs can be overwhelming, especially considering that a parent can expect to shell out anywhere form $300 to $1,500 or more per month to have a daycare center take care of their baby or toddler.

The daycare costs aren’t a whole lot better for older children either. Preschoolers’ stay at a daycare averages $800 per month, but can cost more than $1,000 per month. Of course, parents who have more than one child in need of daycare can see even higher costs, even though discounts are often given for additional children who are placed in daycare. With these basic fees, in addition to other child-rearing expenses, it’s no wonder why many parents find themselves on unstable financial footing.

This is why the outcome of a child support dispute can be so pivotal. It can mean the difference between being able to comfortably afford a child’s needs and being forced to cut corners wherever one can just to get by.

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