Divorce settlements and requirements can get strange


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Divorce settlements and requirements can get strange

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Property Division on Wednesday, March 18, 2020.

The impulse to marry can often feel as strange as the impulse to fall in love, even though we are surrounded by signs of the value of marriage often from birth. But divorce is far stranger, as the failure of people to plan for it can lead to an emotional free-for-all.

Some divorce requirements border on the bizarre, as it is often expected that a couple is happy to move on after defining marital assets and sharing them equitably. Some celebrities have been noted for unique requests in divorce proceedings, such as a threat to sue over future defamation or a demand for the rights to nicknames and catchphrases.

A few states and jurisdictions put more restrictions and addenda on divorce than others content to process the filed paperwork. Kentucky requires applicants to complete a divorce education course to encourage amicable separations, especially among parents. Oklahoma does not allow people to marry a new spouse until six months after a finalized divorce unless the former spouse has died.

Foreign countries have split property in unexpected ways. A Cambodian couple ended an 18-year marriage by sawing their wooden house in half and each taking a piece. Parents in Spain were commanded by a judge to create two separate residences in their apartment to stay close to their children.

People concerned about fair division of marital assets can consult an attorney on the details involved. Legal representation is often an essential part of a satisfying divorce that leaves both parties happy with the results. This is especially true for divorcing parents with minor children.

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