Many contemplate divorce during the summer


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Many contemplate divorce during the summer

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Divorce/Separation on Friday, July 5, 2019.

Summer is here. Kids are out of school and family vacations are underway. This may be a joyous time for many, but for others, spending more time together only highlights familial strife. Spouses can find themselves bickering over finances, personalities can clash, and differences in parenting styles can be accentuated. This is why there is often an uptick in divorces once the summer comes to an end and children return to school. In fact, a study from 2016 found that March and August see spikes in divorce rates, which can continue for months after children return to school.

One of the keys to a successful divorce is thorough planning that starts months in advance. The summer can be a great time to gather information that is pertinent to marriage dissolution. Individuals should consider the extent of marital assets and think about discussing them with a financial planner and a divorce attorney. Other records should be obtained, too, including those pertaining to debt, such as credit card statements.

The summertime also provides a great opportunity for an individual to carefully consider whether divorce is right for them and, if possible, to talk it over with their spouse. Children are probably better off being kept out of the discussion until the decision is made and it’s affects on them are known. Yet, conversations about property division, child custody, child support and alimony can and should start early, whether with one’s spouse or formal and informal supports.

Formal action to dissolve a marriage should only be undertaken when a solid understanding of the process and its ramifications is obtained. Only then can an individual make legal decisions that further his or her best interests. This is why many choose to speak with an experienced family law attorney over the summer. Even if it is just to test the divorce waters, speaking with a legal professional can help provide clarity and guidance, perhaps setting an individual on a path toward a happier life.

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