Not sure what to do with the family home? Decide, or a judge will


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Not sure what to do with the family home? Decide, or a judge will

When you decided to divorce your spouse, you hadn’t thought about how you were doing to split your home. That’s where most of your money is held, and by selling your home, you think you’d get enough to put a down payment on your own.

Your spouse has said that they would like to remain in the home, but they don’t have the money to buy you out. That has put you in a tough position because you think selling is the best option.

Negotiating can help you decide what to do with your home

If you and your spouse can’t agree on what to do with your home, it’s time to negotiate. If you disagree, talk about refinancing the home or having your spouse take out a private loan on their own to pay you out for your portion of the home. If your home is your main asset and you’re entitled to a portion of the value, then it’s only fair that you get that value through cash or other means.

If you both can’t agree on a way to keep your spouse in the home or on how to sell it, then you might want to talk to your attorney about pursuing other options. Your attorney may have past experiences that could help you find a solution that would work for you. They may also be able to suggest ways to work through the property division dispute rather than turning to the court.

In the end, if you can’t decide on a solution, a judge can have the final say and determine what happens to your home next.

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