Modification of Maintenance

How Do Maintenace (a/k/a Alimony or Support Support) Modifications Work?

There are a number of occasions when you would need a maintenance (alimony) attorney to help you modify maintenance, reduce maintenance, or end maintenance payments.

These occasions may include:

  • Substantial involuntary decrease to your income
  • Failure of a business
  • Substantial increase to your spouse’s income
  • Significant decrease to your overall total compensation package
  • Recent retirement from your profession
  • Spouse who has recently been remarried
  • Major health problem that impairs earning ability
  • Increases in the cost of living
  • And more

These are just a few of the common changes that can affect your legal responsibilities to your ex-spouse. In these situations, you may be eligible to modify, reduce, or end your maintenance (alimony) payment obligations.

The Burden Of Proof On Maintenance (Spousal Support) Modification Cases

If you wish to pursue a modification or reduction of your maintenance payments, you will generally need to prove that you have experienced a substantial financial change in circumstances that renders you unable to continue making your maintenance payments as presently required or that the party receiving maintenance no longer needs it. In general, the party who wishes to modify or terminate maintenance payments bears the burden of proof.

When seeking a modification of maintenance, it is essential to demonstrate that you experienced a significant “involuntary” change in circumstances. For example — a spouse likely cannot “retire” early, simply to avoid ongoing maintenance payments. However, the loss of a job may be a significant grounds to modify maintenance, especially if there is a significant health problem that prevents a supporting spouse from continuing his or her work.

Since it is usually difficult to modify or reduce maintenance, you will need a skilled legal advocate on your side in order to achieve a positive result. Stange Law Firm, PC, understands the required burden of proof and can help with your situation.

Terminating Payments Through Remarriage

If the spouse who is receiving maintenance payments remarries, then maintenance will almost always terminate. In certain circumstances, cohabitation may result in termination of maintenance in some limited circumstances, but you would need to consult with an attorney about the specifics. Once the supported spouse enters into a new marital partnership, the supporting spouse is no longer financially obligated to continue paying maintenance.

Our on website we provide information regarding family law matters for our visitors. You can read articles about family law and child support, view informational videos, listen to our podcast or download our mobile application.

Call Today — Find Out How Our Skilled Multi-State Lawyers Can Assist

Our law firm can assist you with all support matters. If you are interested in exploring the possibility of reducing or ending your maintenance payment obligations, contact the attorneys at Stange Law Firm, PC.


Helpful Information On Child Support Matters

On our webpage, we also have pages on various other topics involving support that might be helpful to you, including the pages below and those on our menu:
Missouri child support calculator
If you are looking for a child support estimate in Missouri, we have a sample Form 14 on our webpage that can help give you a general idea in terms of child support numbers for your case.
Illinois child support calculator
If you are interested in obtaining a child support estimate in Illinois, on our webpage, we have a sample Illinois child support calculator. This might be helpful in terms of giving you a general idea of child support in your case.
Kansas child support chart
If you are interested in obtaining a child support estimate in Kansas, we have a simple chart on our webpage. This might be helpful in giving an approximation.
Oklahoma child support chart
If you are interested in obtaining a child support estimate in Oklahoma, we have a simple chart on our webpage. This might be helpful in giving an approximation.
Informational support videos
We have information child support videos from some live seminars that we have hosted on our webpage that you can view.
Child support emancipation
If you are interested in know how child support emancipation works, we have information on our webpage that you can view.
College education and child support
The cost of college and university education can be an important component of child support in divorce and custody cases. Our lawyers can assist if the cost of education is an issue in your case.
Modification of child support
In some cases, the court has issued a child support order. After the passage of time, it might be important to seek a modification where there have been changed circumstances of a substantial and continuing basis. You can discuss this with our lawyers if you think a modification might be appropriate in your case.
Modification of spousal support (alimony/maintenance)
Spousal maintenance can be ordered at the conclusion of a divorce. In some cases, the parties might need to seek a modification and/or termination of a maintenance order. Our lawyers can assist in many instances.
Daycare and child support
In divorce and custody cases where there are young children, the cost of daycare or childcare can be an important issue. Our lawyers can help you work through these issues.
Dependency exemptions
The dependency exemptions can be important for many divorcing parties or unmarried couples. Our lawyers can represent you in these circumstances.
Division of Child Support Enforcement
Many child support matters end up being addressed through state administrative agencies. Our lawyers can help represent you before state child support agencies.
Wage withholding orders and garnishments
In some cases, child support can be paid either through a wage withholding order or garnishment. Our lawyers can help you navigate the process.
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Serving the St. Louis Metropolitan Area, Kansas City, Columbia, Springfield, Wichita, Topeka, Tulsa and Beyond in Missouri, Illinois, Kansas and Oklahoma

From our webpage, you can also read articles about family law, view informational videos, seminar videos, listen to our podcast, download our mobile application or view support calculators for MissouriIllinois and Kansas.

If you are looking to find and hire a child custody lawyer, contact us online or by phone to schedule a consultation at any of our convenient locations.


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Stange Law Firm, PC

120 S. Central Avenue, Suite 450

St. Louis (Clayton), Missouri 63105

Toll Free: 855-805-0595
Fax: 314-963-9191
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