Interstate Child Support Attorney
No matter what the circumstances are, managing child support enforcement and custody arrangements can be difficult for parents. When one of the individuals live out of state, or the custodial parent is trying to relocate out of state, custody arrangements, parenting time and child support enforcement can be far more complicated.
The enforcement of your child support order is governed by Missouri, Illinois, Kansas and Oklahoma’ version of the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA). Under UIFSA, a registered order that is given in another state is enforceable in the same manner and is subject to the same procedures as an order issued in Missouri.
Because this process can be so complex, it requires an individual of legal experience to successfully manage.
That’s where Stange Law Firm, PC comes to help. Our number one goal is to always make sure to serve the well being of the child, and in a way that works for the individual/client. There may be certain ways to enforce custody and support orders no matter what state a divorced/biological parent is in.
At Stange Law Firm, PC we have devoted our whole practice since 2007 to family law. Because of that, we are dedicated to child custody and child support cases. Our attorneys not only manage Interstate Child Support, but also an array of other cases, such as: joint custody, visitation, parenting time enforcement. Here at Stange Law Firm, the child comes first.
Support When a Parent or Former Spouse Is Out of State
Because Missouri has now under taken the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, even is a divorced parent that is paying for the child support ends up moving out of that state, the individual still must pay support. The support order will be enforced by other stated involved in the new act.
Parenting Your Child in Missouri, Illinois, Kansas and Oklahoma
The UCCJEA allows interstate enforcement of Missouri custody and visitation determinations. If you or your former spouse has moved out of the state, you may seek a modification of the original custody determination to accommodate long distance parenting matters and make sure that both of you get to continue to parent your biological child.
To enforce out-of-state orders for child support in Missouri, Stange Law Firm, PC can help. Contact us today for your confidential consultation with an in person attorney. You can also call any of our convenient locations below including offices in: St. Louis, Columbia, Kansas City, Springfield, Wichita, Tulsa and beyond.