Rather than having your friend/family member testify about your character, having them tell a story as a fact witness about a pertinent fact often might be of use. Often, friends and family members can testify as to what they’ve seen somebody do as a parent in a custody case for example. Even when this takes place, these witnesses can still be attacked as being biased. So, think about some witnesses that could be more persuasive. Some of these witnesses range from school teachers, the kids’ doctors, coaches of sporting events, members of the same club and/or church, and other unbiased witnesses who have seen the party in action as the parent or the spouse.
These witnesses are telling certain instances based on what they have seen with their own eyes or have heard with their ears. The judge will often listen to these stories and will often come to a positive conclusion about the party without questioning the family or friends of the given party.
Stories like these can paint a positive picture of the character of somebody who is often persuasive in a trial without the summary question ever being asked. That’s best saved for the closing argument when the attorney summarizes all the facts testified to in court