Facts regarding marriage and divorce on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2014

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Facts regarding marriage and divorce on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2014
Celebrating love is the custom of Valentine’s Day. Opinions differ on the history of the original Valentine, but the most popular theory is that a clergyman, who was executed for secretly marrying couples in ancient Rome, started the tradition. In A.D. 496, Pope Gelasius I declared Feb. 14 as Valentine’s Day.And closer to home, Hallmark Cards got its start with Valentine cards in Kansas City, Missouri. Founded in 1910 by Joyce Hall, Hallmark is now the largest manufacturer of greeting cards in the United States. As customs evolve, Valentine’s cards now include the topics of love, marriage, and divorce with art and prose that earned Hallmark the National Medal of Arts award in 1985.

The spirit of Valentine’s Day continues. Consider the facts below.

“Please Be Mine”

29.0 and 26.6 years

Median age at first marriage in 2013 for men and women, respectively.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Families and Living Arrangements: 2013,
Table MS-2


The overall percentage of people 15 and older who reported being married.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Families and Living Arrangements: 2013,
Table A1


Percentage of people 15 and older in 2013 who had been married at some point in their lives – either currently or formerly.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Families and Living Arrangements: 2013, Table A1

2.1 million

2.1 million

The provisional number of marriages that took place in the United States in 2011. That breaks down to nearly 5,800 a day.
Source: National Center for Health Statistics


The percentage of women who married for the first time between 1990 and 1994, who marked their 10th anniversary. This compares with 83 percent of women who married for the first time between 1960 and 1964.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces: 2009, Table 4


As of 2009, the percentage of currently married women who had been married for at least 50 years. A little more than half of currently married women had been married for at least 15 years.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces: 2009, Table 9

Giving Love a Second Chance


Among people 15 and older who have been married, the percentage of men and women, who have been married twice as of 2012. Five percent have married three or more times. By comparison, 75.4 percent of people who have ever been married have made only one trip down the aisle.
Source: 2012 American Community Survey


Median length, in years, of first marriages that ended in divorce.
Source: Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces: 2009, Table 8

3.8 and 3.7

The median time in years between divorce and a second marriage for men and women, respectively. However, the two medians are not statistically different from each other.
Source: Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces: 2009, Table 8

9% and 7.9%

Among people 15 and older in 2009, the percentage of men and women, respectively, who had married twice and were still married.
Source: Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces: 2009, Table 6

Looking for Love


The number of dating service establishments nationwide as of 2007. These establishments, which include Internet dating services, employed 3,125 people and pulled in $928 million in revenue.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2007 Economic Census

At Stange Law Firm, PC, we focus exclusively on family law, helping people who face divorce, child custody, child support, paternity, and other domestic relations issues. Divorce can be hard, but as you see from the statistics, you are not alone.

If you find yourself in such a situation, you can call our firm to sit down with one of our experienced attorneys who are qualified to help.

Source: Profile America Facts for Features, US Dept. of Commerce


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