Why Do Parties Go On LinkedIn?
Linkedin is one social media site that can also become important. Parties can list their job history, dates of employment, position title and job duties on their page. They can also list their education and other achievements and certifications that they may have received.
Some parties go on LinkedIn just to make contact with past and present business contacts. But parties might also job seek online and post their information online to seek employment. On social media accounts like LinkedIn, parties are generally incentivized to puff online to obtain new business, make new contacts or obtain employment. This puffing can be potentially relevant as it relates to divorce litigation.
Some parties may connect with past and present business contacts through their Linkedin account. Parties can also seek jobs through the social media site. On sites like Linkedin, parties are encouraged to brag online in order to obtain new business, make new connections or gain employment. This puffing or bragging can be relevant as it relates to a divorce case.
How Can LinkedIn Be Helpful In A Divorce?
The information on Linkedin can often be helpful even if the party is not bragging in any way. Prior to the growing of social media, the only way to get this kind of information was through formal discovery which was often expensive. Now, this information can be found online.
When spousal support or child support is a factor, the income of the parties is an important piece of information. The parties’ Linkedin pages may contain relevant information that can help determine spousal support or child support. In some cases, the parties may have their resume uploaded onto their profile.
Speak With A Lawyer About Social Media Evidence
If you think that Linkedin might help with your divorce case, it is important to speak with a lawyer about the ethical and responsible ways on how to obtain the information. It is also important that parties speak to their attorney about what they should and should not put on their social media profile. In some instances, parties might deactivate or pull their social media profiles while their divorce is pending.