This is a hard one. The tendency is to tell both sides of the story and point out the shortcomings of the other. Rather, let both parents know that it is a joint decision that was made after every other possible alternative to divorce was made. Sometimes parents will offer suggestions such as seeing a counselor or advising them to try a little harder to make it work. By stressing that you tried your best to make the marriage work, but are both unhappy and the decision was not easy but made.
Request Understanding and Support
It is normal for parents to feel protective of their children. You may feel that your parents are in your corner while your in-laws support your ex. This is normal because it is difficult for both sides to adjust to the transition especially if grandchildren are involved. By requesting understanding and support for your family as a whole, including grandchildren, you set the stage for both sets of parents trying to avoid negative comments about the divorce, you, and your spouse, especially in front of your kids.
Certain Things Are Private
Deciding to divorce is stressful. The process of divorce is challenging. Down the road, you may feel the need to confide in your parents, but maybe now is not the time. Certain legal details between you and your family law attorney should remain confidential until the divorce is final. You and your spouse are divorcing, but not you and your parents and even your in-laws. Keep the relationships warm–they are needed now and in the future. By keeping the doors open for advice and support, when needed, you offer respect to those you love and in turn generate respect for the decision that you have made.
If you are facing a divorce, Stange Law Firm, PC can help. Our attorneys are experienced in matters of divorce, child custody, child support, paternity, and other domestic relations issues because we focus exclusively on family law and deal with cases like this every day.