Peoria, Illinois Collaborative Divorce Attorneys in Peoria County

Collaborative Divorce in Peoria, Illinois and Peoria County, Illinois

It is common in many divorce cases for couples to take matters to court in order to seek resolution. Both parties hire legal representation and with each passing day, the fighting continues back and forth. The lawyers for both parties spend more and more time on the case, and the stress levels for the parties involved continues to rise. In many cases this can lead to animosity between parties increasing as well. Both parties then ultimately end up putting their future, and that of the children involved, in the hands of a judge. For residents in Peoria, Illinois and Peoria County, there are other alternatives to traditional divorce proceedings to consider, including collaborative divorce. From our nearby McLean County family law office, we can represent clients in and around Peoria County, Illinois in these matters.


Collaborative Divorce Lawyers Able to Assist Residents in Peoria, Illinois and Peoria County

When a marriage ends, more couples are looking to collaborative divorce to help bring the matter to resolution. This process involves each spouse hiring a collaborative trained lawyer. The opposing parties then sit down together, joined by their respective legal counsel, and begin to talk through the issues at hand. Often, the collaborative method involves bringing in additional professionals who can then lend their knowledge and perspective on the matter. These professionals can include divorce coaches, financial neutrals and psychologists. If the issues between the parties cannot be resolved utilizing the collaborative method, and the parties decide to then take their case to trial, the current attorneys must withdraw from the case. The parties must then seek new legal representation prior to the matter being taken to court. At Stange Law Firm, PC, Founding Partner Kirk Stange and Managing Partner Kelly Davidzuk are trained in the collaborative method. If you are interested in pursuing a collaborative divorce, contact us today to schedule an initial consultation and learn more information. You can also visit our firm’s webpage on collaborative divorce titled Collaborative Divorce Representation.


The Advantages of the Collaborative Method in Peoria, Illinois: Why it Can Work

Many of our clients find that by sitting and down and resolving issues outside of the courtroom, they can reduce the cost of divorce as well as reducing the negative impact on the children involved. Collaborative divorce also gives parties more control over the critical issues involved. The process can also be more private and parties can avoid pleadings and motions that may be potentially embarrassing being filed in court. Another advantage of collaborative divorce is that parties can make these decisions for themselves, rather than waiting for a judge to render a decision. However, one thing to keep in mind is that collaborative divorce only works if the parties are willing to communicate and work together. At Stange Law Firm, PC, we are dedicated to providing our clients with compassionate and diligent, straightforward representation in collaborative divorce matters and working to reach an amicable and positive outcome. The firm also utilizes mediation and other alternative dispute resolution methods to assist clients in resolving matters quickly and effectively. These alternative solutions can help to save families money and help to reduce the stress that any divorce or family law matter can bring on a family.


Find Out More About Collaborative Divorce & Courthouse Information

You can read more about collaborative divorce in the article titled: Collaborative Divorce: An Alternative to Adversarial Court Proceedings. To learn more about the Peoria County Family Court, please visit the following helpful resources:


Schedule an Initial Consultation For Peoria, Illinois and Peoria County

Are you looking to hire a trained collaborative family law attorney to help you with your collaborative divorce in Peoria, Illinois? If so, schedule a confidential appointment with one of our attorneys in our nearby Bloomington, Illinois office by contacting us online. McLean County (Bloomington), IL Office: 309-807-4915 | 1012 Ekstam Drive, Suite 4, Bloomington, IL 61704.


Helpful Information Regarding Alternative Dispute Resolution From our Webpage

For more information about Alternative Dispute Resolutions, please look at our other pages:
Mediation & Collaborative Divorce
Find about mediation and collaborative divorce.
Questions About Collaborative Practice
If you have questions about collaborative practice, we can help answer them here.
Benefits of a Collaborative Divorce
Find out about the benefits of collaborative divorce.
What is a Divorce Coach
Find out how a divorce coach can help in collaborative practice.
Questions About Mediation
You can find out here how mediation works in divorce and family law matters.
Mediation as an Amicable Process of Divorce
Find out how mediation can help lead to an amicable result in divorce and family law matters.
Preparing for ADR in Divorce
Find out how to prepare for alternative dispute resolution in divorce.
Voluntary Mediation vs. Court Ordered Mediation
Find out the difference between voluntary and court ordered mediation in divorce and family law matters.
Divorce Mediation
Find out about the potential benefits of divorce mediation.
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If you are looking to find and hire a child custody lawyer, contact us online or by phone to schedule a consultation at any of our convenient locations.


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Stange Law Firm, PC

120 S. Central Avenue, Suite 450

St. Louis (Clayton), Missouri 63105

Toll Free: 855-805-0595
Fax: 314-963-9191
Group 144


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