What Does the Division of Child Support Enforcement Do?
Missouri’s Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE) works on behalf of custodial parents and their children when the noncustodial parent cannot be located or does not make the required child support payments according to the court’s orders. The DCSE helps single parents who were never married as well as parents who have been divorced.
Among the services provided by the DCSE are finding parents who may be required to pay support, helping to determine the parentage of a child born out of wedlock, establishing support orders, monitoring and enforcing support orders, reviewing and modifying support orders, and facilitating the collection and disbursement of support payments.
For Families Receiving Public Assistance
The DCSE also coordinates child support for families receiving public assistance. When you receive public assistance, you sign your right to child support over to the state. In cases where the DCSE is able to establish a child support order for a family receiving public assistance, the money will be used to repay the assistance you receive.
Child Support Modifications by the DCSE
Once every three years, the DCSE will review all child support orders it has established. If there has been a substantial change in circumstances for one parent or the other, the DCSE will modify the amount of the order. In Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cases, either parent can request a modification review.
At Stange Law Firm, PC, we represent clients in all aspects of child support cases. If you have been contacted by the DCSE for any reason, contact our office to speak with a lawyer. We will provide a thorough review of your case and work with you to determine next steps. We will be there with you through the entire process, working diligently to see that your interests are protected.
We have an article on this topic that might help give you more information: Missouri division dedicated to child support matters.
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