Child Abduction Matters

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At Stange Law Firm, PC, we help people to resolve even the most complex child custody issues. We understand how overwhelming it can be when your child has been taken to another country or state and the other parent has no intention of bringing the child back. You can count on Stange Law Firm, PC, to be with you every step of the way.

Writ of Habeas Corpus

Habeas corpus was known in the common law of England and America as “the great writ.” In certain circumstances, it is available in child custody and visitation litigations. The Latin phrase means “produce the body.” A skilled family law attorney knows how to employ a writ of habeas corpus, in situations when a child is being unlawfully detained.

Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction

The Hague Convention is an international treaty that has been signed by the United States, Canada, most countries in Central and South America, and throughout Europe, much of the Middle East, Australia, and South Africa. Participating countries allow for a quick method to return a child who has been wrongfully taken to another country for resolution of the custody dispute.

The Parental Kidnapping Protection Act

The Parental Kidnapping Protection Act is a federal law. This law also protects Missouri, Illinois, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Indiana parents and their children against an adverse ruling child custody ruling by another state.

Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act

The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), which has been adopted by most states, promotes the policy of the Missouri, Illinois, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Indiana Courts to eliminate jurisdictional fights and to promote cooperation between courts in different states. Like the Hague Convention, the UCCJEA sets forth rules which determine the location where the child custody litigation will take place. Generally speaking, the “home state” time period is six months. Therefore, if the other parent takes the child to another state without your permission, you will want to act quickly or else risk litigating custody outside the state in which you live.

Child Abduction is a serious matter and we have written articles about the topic for you to read: International child abduction still a real problem: Part 1 and Part 2.

Multi-State Family Lawyers Helping in Child Abduction Matters

Contact us online or by phone to schedule a confidential consultation at any of our convenient locations


Full Service Child Custody Representation

Our child custody practice focuses on protecting the wellbeing of children and the rights of parents. We handle issues such as:
Often called parenting time, visitation is the amount of time a noncustodial parent spends with his or her child. We can handle a broad spectrum of visitation matters.
Creating a parenting plan
Getting visitation rights means drafting a parenting plan that works. We can help.
Relocation with a child
Courts have continuing jurisdiction over child custody and visitation orders. So, when a parent wants to move, it is usually necessary to get the court's permission first. Failure to do so can put your time with your child in jeopardy.
Enforcement of orders
If a parent fails to follow a child custody order, it may be possible to take him or her to court to enforce the order.
Contempt of court
If you are found to have repeatedly ignored a court order, you may be found in contempt of court.
Modification of orders:
When you need a court order changed, you can work with the experienced attorneys at Stange Law Firm, PC.
Custody Issues for Nonmarried Parents
Next to dissolution actions, paternity cases (custody and support cases between unmarried parents) are among the most common cases in domestic relations law.
Parental Rights
Parents are often concerns about their parental rights, especially fathers in certain circumstances.
Family Access Motions
If you are being denied access to your children, you may want to consider a family access motion.
Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act
If you have jurisdictional issues involving your custody case, you will want an attorney familiar with the UCCJEA.
Custody Evaluations
If you have a complex custody case where psychological issues or abuse may be in play, you might want to consider a child custody evaluation
Hague Convention
If you are dealing with an international child custody dispute, and perhaps child abduction, knowing about the Hague Convention is often critical.
Third-Party Custody
If you are not the biological parents, in certain cases all may not be lost. You might have a right to third party custody in certain situations.
Fertility and Surrogacy
Fertility and surrogacy is a growing area of the law for those who want children.
In some custody cases, parties might live far apart. This can result in difficult child custody cases with transportation at issue.

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Stange Law Firm, PC

120 S. Central Avenue, Suite 450

St. Louis (Clayton), Missouri 63105

Toll Free: 855-805-0595
Fax: 314-963-9191
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