Calculating Your Stocks and Bond’s Current and Future Value
Characterizing a stock portfolio as separate or joint marital property for divorce is only part of the equation. Stock and bond investments have a current paper value, as well as a potential future value, based on the history of earnings and appreciation of the portfolio. If you are a person of high net worth who has equities as part of your retirement or income investments, make sure your divorce lawyer understands the rules and knows how to protect your financial interests. At Stange Law Firm, PC, we help individuals throughout Missouri, Illinois, Kansas, and Oklahoma protect their complex financial investments as part of their marital property. We understand the concerns involved on either side of the property issue. Whether you are a holder of separate investment property, seeking to protect your right to sole ownership, or are a spouse seeking to prove that your marriage added to the value of the investments, we are ready to fight to protect your rights.Will A Prenuptial Agreement Affect The Property Settlement?
Many successful people use a prenuptial agreement to protect the status of their personal investment account as separate property, in the event of divorce. A spouse may be able to prove that the value of the stocks and bonds increased in value as a direct result of additional contributions that occurred during the marriage, or that the account was commingled with joint marital assets during the marriage. The appreciated value of the portfolio, including expected future gains, may be subject to equitable distribution. Contact Stange Law Firm, PC, to discuss ways to protect your rights. We will help you find answers to these and other questions:- The current value of the stocks and bonds. What is the basic point of the stocks?
- Who contributed to the investments?
- How much has the investment account appreciated over time?
- Did your spouse’s marital contributions help increase the value of the investments?
- Are there tax obligations arising from the earnings?