Oklahoma City Family Law Attorneys in Oklahoma County

Oklahoma City Family Lawyers Representing You

Going through a family law matter can be an emotional roller coaster, not only for you but also for your entire family. Our team at Stange Law Firm, PC understands that which is why we go above and beyond to make things easier for you from the start. When you are faced with any type of family law issues and difficulties in Oklahoma County, you need an empathic Oklahoma City family law attorney on your side. Our office in Oklahoma City, OK serves Oklahoma County and the surrounding areas.
Since our firm is dedicated solely to family law, we can guarantee you that we will always focus on you and your case first. Our attorneys have the knowledge to guide you through every aspect of your case, no matter what the family law matter may be.

Oklahoma County Local Family Court Information

Gaining knowledge about the local courts and Oklahoma family law can be helpful for you to understand the process better. For your assistance, you can find more information about the Oklahoma County Court system at these links:


Oklahoma County Family Law Attorneys at Stange Law Firm, PC can assist with your Family Law Litigation Matter


Your Oklahoma City Family Law Attorneys and Law Firm in Oklahoma County

When you are going through a tough time like a family law matter, you need a family lawyer in Oklahoma City who is going to understand you and help you understand your rights in the process. We represent clients in a wide range of family law matters in Oklahoma City, OK including but not limited to:

The attorneys that we offer at Stange Law Firm, PC have been recognized for numerous awards for family law. Some of these awards include being named Rising Stars Honorees and being Lead Counsel Rated for dissolution of marriage and/or family law. For more information about our lawyers and to see the awards they have earned, you can visit their biographies. If you are not sure whether we can assist with your case, please feel free to contact us online. We’d be glad to talk with you to see if representation might be possible.

On this website, you can also read articles about family law, view informational videos, and seminar videos, listen to our podcast, download our mobile application, or view a child support calculator for Oklahoma.

What is Family Law in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma?

Family law refers to the practice of helping individuals with family relationships. It includes helping families pick up the pieces of their lives while guiding them through this difficult time. Family law matters may include the dissolution of marriagechild custody and child support matters, adoption, paternity, and father’s rights issues. Because of the nature of these matters, family law cases tend to be very emotional and strenuous for the parties involved. At Stange Law Firm, PC, our attorneys are there to assist their clients through this difficult process. Family law practice may involve any of the following topics:

Dissolution of Marriage in Oklahoma County

Dissolution of Marriage is the process of breaking the bonds of marriage. When parties get married, they form a legal relationship. If they decide that they would no longer like to be a part of this relationship, they must file the necessary paperwork with the courts.

Based on the state in which the dissolution is being filed, the rules and procedures may vary. While all states allow for no-fault dissolution, some states require a period of separation. Be advised that most states also have residency requirements that come into play when filing for dissolution.

Each state has its guidelines for how to divide assets and debts in a dissolution, but the rules are similar in most states. In most cases, the court looks to make an equitable division of the assets. This doesn’t necessarily mean dividing the assets is equal for both parties. The court can look at things like the parties’ contributions to the marriage, the length of the marriage, and the needs of each party after the case is complete. Misconduct such as infidelity or domestic abuse can also play into the court’s decision in terms of property and debt division and spousal maintenance.

Dissolving a Marriage is Civil Litigation in Oklahoma City, OK

These types of cases are heard in state court. Similar to other forms of civil litigation, parties may work to gather evidence through depositions, interrogatories, and subpoenas. Parties may also participate in mediation sessions, the collaborative process, and other forms of conflict resolution. In many scenarios, cases may settle before a trial. However, some cases that involve contested dissolutions, high-assets, and certain other factors may have to go to trial.

Maintenance and Spousal Support in Oklahoma County

One of the most difficult issues in a dissolution case is often maintenance and spousal support (previously referred to as alimony). Some states use a formula to determine the amount of support. In other cases, it’s left to the judge’s discretion. Even in cases where the court uses a formula, it’s still important to make sure that the court uses the proper procedures to arrive at the correct amount of support.

One of the considerations for spousal support is the length of the marriage. Other factors include the parent’s ability to pay support and the amount of debt that was jointly accumulated. The court also takes into account the age of the parties involved and their ability to work. Finally, they consider the misconduct of either party. The family lawyers at Stange Law Firm, PC work to present evidence of these factors to the court for them to be able to reach the best possible result.

Pre and Post-nuptial Agreements in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

A prenuptial agreement is a contract that parties sign before they get married. Prenuptial agreements should contain detailed descriptions of the significant property and debts owned by each partner. Depending on the nature and complexity of these assets, a prenuptial agreement can be just a few pages – or a few hundred. At Stange Law Firm, we draft each prenuptial so that it meets the exact needs of our clients. Some matters can’t be included in a prenuptial agreement like child custody and child support agreements. Otherwise, the parties can create an agreement that outlines matters like separate property, distribution of assets, and spousal support in the event of dissolution. When the parties enter into this kind of agreement after they get married, it’s a postnuptial agreement.

Child Custody in Oklahoma County

Child custody is one of the most deliberated and emotional areas of family law. When it comes to the custody of the child, most states base their decisions on the best interests of the child. The court takes into account which parent has the greater relationship with the child, whether or not each parent can provide a stable home environment for the child, and whether either parent has a history of substance abuse or a criminal background.

If a parenting plan can be established by the parents, the court will usually follow this agreement. However, if the parents cannot agree, the family lawyers at Stange Law Firm, PC will present evidence to the court regarding the child’s best interests. This might involve presenting school records, the testimony of a psychologist or substance abuse counselor, criminal records, and even medical records. Our attorneys will work to gather the necessary evidence, while also ensuring to consider the rules of evidence that are applicable in the particular local jurisdiction.

Legal and Physical Custody in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Most states divide custody into legal custody and physical custody. Physical custody is who actually, physically has the child at any given time. Legal custody is who makes major decisions about the child. Physical custody and legal custody can be shared between the parties, or the court may award primary custody to one of the parents. It’s also possible to share one type of custody without sharing the other.

Family lawyers must understand how the courts determine custody in their jurisdiction because rules between states can vary slightly. The family lawyers at Stange Law Firm, PC help their clients understand the law and form realistic expectations so that they can make wise decisions as their case moves forward.

Child Support in Oklahoma County

Children have the right to support from both of their parents. The purpose of child support is to provide the child with financial resources as if their parents lived under one roof, although it is common in most child support matters that the child’s parents live in separate households. The courts presume that the parent who cares for the child will provide direct support for the child.

Each state has its respective formula for calculating proper child support amounts. Most of these formulas factor in each parent’s income, the allowable tax deductions and other expenses, a child’s health insurance expenses, and whether they have childcare needs. Certain states also factor in how much time each parent spends with the child, although this is not common practice by all states.

The family lawyers at Stange Law Firm, PC work with their clients to ensure the child support is fairly and accurately calculated. If the other parents attempt to hide income or are unemployed by choice, a compassionate family attorney can assist their client in showing the entire situation. A family lawyer also reviews the calculations made by the court to ensure that no errors were made that could result in an unfair and inaccurate calculation of child support.

Abuse and Neglect Proceedings

Another sensitive area of family law practice involves abuse and neglect. If the state is under the assumption that a parent is not able to properly care for a child, they may choose to begin abuse and neglect proceedings. The state may represent a parent who is accused of abuse or neglect, or they might even represent a child.

When family lawyers represent clients in abuse and neglect proceedings, they are working to help defend their clients against the reports of abuse or neglect, or they are helping their clients regain custody of their children by assisting them in complying with services and other requirements. Because the standard for terminating parental rights is high, family lawyers work hard to advocate for their clients in a situation where the state is seeking to terminate those rights.

Contact our Oklahoma City Family Law Attorneys for a Consultation.

If you are looking to find a professional representation for a family law matter in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma you can rely on Stange Law Firm, PC to help and fight for you. You can contact us by calling 855-805-0595 or online.

Oklahoma County (Oklahoma City) Office (405-594-0633) | 2601 Northwest Expy, Suite 411 W, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73112.


Representing Clients in Family Matters

We also handle many other family law matters, including but not limited to:

Dissolution of Marriage
Unfortunately, there are times when a marriage is irretrievably broken and a dissolution is the only option. We can help with your uncontested, contested, simple or complex dissolution case.
Legal Separation
There are some instances where married parties are separated, but are unsure whether their marriage can be reconciled or may later need to be dissolved. We can help with a legal separation if this is the case.
In certain circumstances, a party may be able to seek an annulment if there are circumstances that led to a party being fraudulently induced into entering a marriage.
Family Law
Unfortunately, there are times when a marriage is irretrievably broken and a dissolution is the only option. We can help with your uncontested, contested, simple or complex dissolution case.
Collaborative Law/Mediation
If you are looking for an amicable resolution to your dissolution or family law matter, we have attorneys who can help you with a collaborative family law case or mediation.
Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements
These agreements help couples make critical decisions about their relationships, just in case. While prenuptial agreements are drafted before a marriage, postnuptial agreements are drafted during the marriage, usually when circumstances change.
Paternity Law/Mediation
With approximately forty-percent of all children being born out of wedlock, we represent numerous unmarried parents in child custody and child support disputes. These cases are the twenty-first century dissolution and extremely common.
Guardianships and conservatorships
We also represent clients in matters of guardianships and conservatorships, helping them protect the people they love — especially when those people can no longer care for themselves. Our work in this area often involves people facing physical and mental illnesses, alcoholism and addiction.
Surrogacy Agreements
We can help clients negotiate surrogacy agreements, drafting and executing all related documents as well as resolving any conflicts that may arise.
Step-parent adoption
We represent parents in step-parent adoptions, which usually occur when a parent marries or remarries after the birth of a biological child. Step-parent adoptions help bring families closer together by creating a solid family unit.
Name Change
If you are seeking to legally change your name, we can help.
Orders of Protection
We can help you in legal proceedings involving restraining orders.
We are honored to represent clients who wish to adopt a child into their family.
Minor emancipation
In some cases, minors do best when they are given the rights and responsibilities of adults. We assist in minor emancipation, representing both teens and their parents.
Grandparents' rights
Lawyers at our firm also handle grandparents' rights issues such as child custody, guardianship and grandparent adoption.
We represent parties in appeals of adverse family court judgments, including dissolution, child custody, child support, maintenance and grandparent visitation.
Child Support
We represent clients in matters involving child support.
Child Custody
We represent parents in child custody disputes.
Juvenile Matters
We represent parties in juvenile matters involving the Division of Family Law Services.
We assist clients in modifying prior child custody and child support judgments when the facts call for it.
We help clients in contempt of court matters as well as family access motions.
Military Dissolution
We are proud to represent service members in dissolution and family law matters.
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Serving the St. Louis Metropolitan Area, Kansas City, Columbia, Springfield, Wichita, Topeka, Tulsa and Beyond in Missouri, Illinois, Kansas and Oklahoma

From our webpage, you can also read articles about family law, view informational videos, seminar videos, listen to our podcast, download our mobile application or view support calculators for MissouriIllinois and Kansas.

If you are looking to find and hire a child custody lawyer, contact us online or by phone to schedule a consultation at any of our convenient locations.


Prenuptial Agreements Line by Line

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Aspatore Books from Thomson Reuters Westlaw

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Stange Law Firm, PC

120 S. Central Avenue, Suite 450

St. Louis (Clayton), Missouri 63105

Toll Free: 855-805-0595
Fax: 314-963-9191
Group 144


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